Mediumistic/Psychic Tarot Readings

Pat has asked the Spirit World to allow her to provide you with the reading you need at a particular time. The Reading may include contacts from your deceased relatives or friends etc (Mediumistic) or may concentrate on issues in your present life (Psychic), or both. Pat cannot, and would not, decide what sort of reading you will receive. Rather, she trusts the Spirit World to provide you with the information which is most useful for you at the time of the Reading. (What you NEED is not always the same as what you WANT). During a Reading, which lasts approximately 30 minutes, Pat will “tune into you” psychically. This allows her to become aware of information about you on a psychic level, and helps her to become aware of any messages from people in Spirit who may wish to contact you. Thus she can provide this information to you as a reading. The Readings are taped so you can enjoy them at a later time too. Please note: Although Pat tries to be as accurate as possible in a Reading, this is not an exact science. It is important for you to understand that you have Free Will, and you should never do anything against your better judgement as a result of information received during a Reading.

Pat uses Tarot cards for her Readings. These are a tool which helps Pat receive the information for you.

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